Saturday 27 February 2016

16.1 Open Workout

AMRAP for 20 minutes:
25ft Overhead walking lunges @95lb
8 Burpees over the bar
25ft Overhead walking lunges @95lb
8 Chest to bar pull-ups

5 rds, 15 reps (each 5ft of lunges is one rep, so each full rounds is 26 reps)

= 145 reps

Thursday 25 February 2016

Open Reflection

10 x 50m or about 10 seconds sand sprint
walk back to start

20 min Body surf session

Gun Slinging

5 rounds for QUALITY:
10 Pistols (alternating)
5 Strict Pull-ups

10 rounds for TIME:
10 Wall Balls @10kg
20 Double unders


Monday 22 February 2016

Sting in the Tail

3 x 30sec Hollow body hold
3 x 10 Superman w/ dowel overhead to behind back
2 x 6 Single leg DL @24kg
2min o/h banded shoulder mob

4 x
6 Deadlift @100kg-110kg-120kg-130kg
6 Single arm KB military press @24kg

AMRAP for 7 min:
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Renegade rows @2-20kg
5 Strict ring dips

99 reps


Half hour TRX class at a Studio Five Nine in Devonport where I may start taking some classes
Don't know reps, they were all timed sets

Squats with rows

Rear flyes at 45 degrees to right then left
Lunges leaning forward into TRX (take straight leg back, front leg working, no push off)

Feet in TRX:
Plank to tuck to high hips and reverse
Plank then bring both knees round to right elbow, back to plank then swing to left elbow

Coastal Challenge

17 km walk/run on coast with low tide from Browns Bay to Devonport, Auckland.

Some beach sections, paths and rock hopping

4 hrs - first 1.5 hrs with Ed which was about 5km...

Freedive 1

Tried out some freediving pool training last week with some static breath holds. Induction includes training on mondays until end of march in the pool...

Tried some push-offs underwater to get right weights to be neutrally buoyant with wetsuit.
Practice rescues.
Underwater finning technique, arms locked out overhead.

CO2 training:
6 x 25m lengths underwater w/ decreasing rest

Rest: 1 min twice, 45 sec twice, 30 sec

Tuesday 16 February 2016

11.2 mod

4 direction crab walk
3 x 10 good morning @20kg

WOD: 11.2 w/ modified push-ups and nasal breathing only when working
AMRAP for 15 mins:
9 Deadlifts @70kg
12 HR push-ups
15 Box jumps @24"

7 rds + 4 dl

5 by 5

5 x 5 Front Squat @100kg

Work up to heavy 5 rep O/H Squat...
got to 60kg and wrists were feeling it, so swapped to 1 clean, 5 push press

Practice some pistols on edge of a box

Thursday 4 February 2016

Les Mills Module Day 2

WOD 1:

Grit class
(45 min HIIT class using primal patterns of squat, lunge, bend, push, pull, twist)
Finished with tabata burpees w/ tuck jump - rough!

WOD 2:
KB Master Trainer session

1 x 3 each side with one shoe balanced on fist (around 1 min per rep, broken down into parts)
1 x 2 each side @16kg

KB Swing progression
3 rounds for QUALITY (focus on contracting quads, glutes, abs and lats)
10 KB Deadlifts @24kg
30 sec Plank

Les Mills Module Day 1

On a 3 day course for Les Mills PTs which also involves 2 workouts a day, either a practice session from another trainer, group fitness or other stuff...

WOD 1:
Thrusters 12-12-6-8-8 (20-20-40-40-40kg)
3 x 15m Shuttle run

3 x
5 Box Jumps @24"
2 x 15m Walking front rack lunges @20kg)

WOD 2:

Squat 10-10-8-5-2 (2 sec down, hold 1 sec, power back up)
Then drop set:
23 reps @70kg
18 reps @60kg
35 reps @40kg
20 reps @20kg

Deadlift 10-10-7
Ran out of time

Catching some Z's

Bear crawl & shoulder mob

4 x 8 Z Press @40kg

7 min EMOM:
3 Position Clean (pocket. power, floor) & 1 Jerk

5 x ME Strict Pull-up w/ 3 sec hollow hang (Thick bar - couldn't touch thumb and forefinger)